איך להתפשר על הסט מבלי להתפשר על הסרט?!

כמה עצות שימושיות!

העבודה על הסט, היא עבודה קשה, פיסית, מנטאלית ורגשית.  

האחריות שהבמאי נושא על כתפיו היא עצומה, וההחלטות שהוא נדרש לעשות הן אין סופיות,

החל מאיפור, הלבשה, מצלמה, ארט, משחק והפקה, והלחץ לפעמים כבד מנשוא.

אבל עם כל זאת, אסור להישבר, וצריך כל הזמן להישאר בפוקוס.   

אבל על מה שמים את הפוקוס? כמו במצלמה כך גם בבימוי,

לפעמים כששמים פוקוס על דבר אחד, דבר אחר יוצא מפוקוס.


אחד הקשיים הכי גדולים הוא דווקא בנושא ההתפשרות, אין סרט בלי פשרות!

החוכמה הגדולה היא כל הזמן לעשות סדר עדיפויות, של מה יותר חשוב ומה פחות חשוב.

על מה אני מוותר ועל מה לא!  אז הנה כמה הצעות שימושיות:

איך לעשות פשרות על הסט מבלי להתפשר ולפגוע בסרט!


הסרט שלי "עד סוף הקיץ" היה סרט דל תקציב, אבל הוא היה סרט תקופתי;  

גם תקופתי וגם דל תקציב זה סוג של אוקסמרון, פרדוקס.

בנוסף לכך היו לי גם ילדים שחקנים על הסט, כך שמספר שעות העבודה ביום היה מוגבל,

וגם יכולת הריכוז של הילדים מוגבלת. ואם לא די בכך, אסור היה לי לחרוג בשעות נוספות (כי אין כסף),

ובאותו שלב כבר חששנו שלא יהיה כסף להשלמות. כך שידעתי שמה שאני מביאה בימי צילום זה מה שיש.

אם אני לא מביאה את הסחורה, היא פשוט לא תהיה, לא בסרט הזה!


בימים הראשונים נוצר פיגור רציני, כי לא רציתי להתפשר על שום דבר,

אבל המפיק הסביר לי שאין מה לעשות, אני חייבת להדביק את הפיגור שנוצר.

אבל איך? על מה אני מתפשרת? על מה אני מוותרת? מה אני עושה?

אז קודם כל יש מה לעשות!  זה פשוט דורש תכנון ומחשבה והרבה עצבי ברזל:

1.   דילול סצינות- עברו שוב על התסריט, קראו כל סצינה בקפידה -  

האם הסצינה הזו הכרחית? האם יש סצינה דומה לה שאומרת אותו הדבר? אם אוותר עליה, האם העלילה תיפגע? האם אפשר למזג שתי סצינות לאחת? האם יש בה אירוע דרמתי? או שמא היא תיאור בלבד? וותרו, מזגו, קצצו, דללו, והדקו את התסריט!


*נתון חשוב- במאים מגיעים לסט עם אורך תסריט כפול פי שניים מאורך הסרט הסופי!

בעריכה צריך לחתוך יותר משליש! לכן, בסופו של דבר, המון ימי צילום נשארים על רצפת העריכה.

כדאי לצאת לצילומים באופן מדויק יותר ולנצל את הזמן לעבודה עם שחקנים או שוטינג ומצלמה,

ולא על סצינות שיעופו בסוף.

2.  מהעיקר לטפל-  לסדר את יום הצילום לפי חשיבות הסצינות לתסריט-

כך שהסצינות הקשות משחקית והחשובות לתסריט יהיו ראשונות, וסצינות פחות חשובות, יישארו לסוף.

עברו טוב טוב על הברייק דאון, ושנו אם צריך. לעוזר במאי יש עוד שיקולים,

שלא תמיד תואמים את שיקול הבמאי. (כמו שחקנים, לוקיישנים וכו')                                                    

מה שחשוב – על סצינות הלב של התסריט לא להתפשר!!!


3.  לנצל כל רגע לחזרות - עד שהתאורה עומדת, עד שהמצלמה מתמקמת, ועד שהסט מוכן, יש זמן. כדאי לנצל כל רגע לעבודה על הטקסט ועם השחקנים, כדי שיבוזבז מינימום זמן אח"כ על הסט.

4.  לא להתעכב על המאסטרים (master shot)- הרבה במאים נוטים לרצות שכל טייק יהיה מושלם.

אבל יש זוויות צילום שבהם לא כל הטייק כולו חייב להיות מושלם, לשל הלונג של הסצינה (master shot)

לא חייב להיות מושלם לאורך כל הטייק. כי בסופו של דבר רוב הסצינה היא בקלוזים,

לכן אל תבזבזו זמן יקר ולא חשוב על הלונג, שהוא בד"כ גם מצטלם ראשון. חבל על הזמן של הסצינה כולה.

5.   אל תהיו גרידים - אם יש את הטייק באופן משביע רצון כבר בהתחלה, אל תגידו בוא נעשה עוד אחד,

אולי יהיה אחד יותר טוב, כי לפעמים היותר טוב הזה לא מגיע, וסתם בזבזנו זמן יקר,

כשכבר יש את הטייק אפשר לעבור הלאה.

6.  סמכו על אינטואיציית הבמאי שלכם - אתם כבמאים של הסרט, יודעים מה נכון ומה לא,

מה עובד ומה לא; מה ואיך אתם רוצים! תנו לאינטואיציה להנחות אתכם,

והשתיקו את כל הקולות מסביבכם. כולם יודעים לתת עצות, אבל יש רק במאי אחד על הסט והוא אתם,

זכרו זה הסרט שלכם, ואתם יודעים הכי טוב!


        אשמח לקבל את התגובות שלכם


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Winnipeg -- Injuries prevented Dayan Viciedo from engaging in a rhythm in The year 2013 and building on an extraordinary first full season inside the Majors.

There was a left oblique anxiety in April and a stuffed left thumb in July that zapped the 5-foot-11, 230-pound White Sox outfielder connected with his power. His saw his home run total tumble from 25 in 2012 to help 14, as well as his RBI entire (78 to 56), whilst playing in only 124 games.

Now, His admits that he's healthy heading straight into Spring Training after working on those areas, as well as producing 'little adjustments' to his swing, over the offseason.

The only question remaining is the place much of an opportunity he'll are able to display his home-run and gap-to-gap electrical power in 2014.

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With building block Avisail Garcia firmly established in right field as well as the offseason acquisition of center fielder Adam Eaton bringing in yet another long-term piece in the White Sox re-shaping process, left field would seem set for a platoon with Viciedo as well as former starting center fielder Alejandro Delaware Aza.

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Although that remains the likely situation with about two weeks until Spring Training, Viciedo says His has not given it much thought.

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'My job is to do exactly what they want everyone to do, when they want me to do it. When I'm contacted, I have to go out there and that i have to perform,' Viciedo claimed through interpreter and White Sox director of public relations Lou Hernandez last week at SoxFest. 'I think as long as My partner and i focus on doing what I should do to prepare myself and staying prepared for whatever I'm motivated to do, I'm ready.'

The platoon using the power-oriented Viciedo and the speedy De Aza enables the Sox to go with different looks; nevertheless, as the right-handed-hitting portion, Viciedo would receive less playing time than the left-handed-hitting De Aza.

Viciedo has fared significantly better against left-handers in his career, striking .322/.357/.551 versus lefties compared to a .242/.287/.388 line versus right-handers. De Aza's career splits are usually nearly identical.

But as gm Rick Hahn said at SoxFest, your roster makeup in late Economy is shown isn't indicative of the 30 players the team will bring northern from Arizona.

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Regardless of what, if perhaps any, moves are made, Viciedo is getting ready to turn last year's final 30 games -- in which this individual hit .333/.359/.505 with four homers, more effective doubles and 19 RBIs -- in to a springboard for 2014.

'At the end of the season last year, I tried to work hard to finish strong,' Viciedo said. 'I taken care of an injury and I felt like I finished in a good location. Since the offseason started, I've simply just tried to focus and psychologically get myself ready in addition to work hard for Spring Instruction.'

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Although His only turns Twenty five in March, this year markings Viciedo's third full Major Category season. Will this become the year His lives up to his potential?

That, White Sox striking coach Todd Steverson said, is a risky question.

For example, if Viciedo -- long-tagged to be a power hitter -- hits .315 having 10 home runs and a .380 on-base percentage, is His an inability?

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'If people label you as a power guy and you simply hit 10, some people risk turning around and say, 'Hit .260 with 25,'' said Steverson, adding His would not consider such a season a disappointment intended for Viciedo.

Viciedo seems to understand that. His said any adjustments he's made to the swing have always been about 'taking great swings and making very good contact.'

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That is what Steverson would like Viciedo to focus on this season, which is one this hitting coach views as about continued growth.

'Does this individual have a ton of talent? Absolutely,' Steverson said. 'He's got plenty of power to hit 25, 35 homers a year, he's not that slow, His makes use of the whole field, can protect, and that's why the Sox picked your pet up a long time ago, because they noticed potential in the future of him or her.

'Now he's at the highest degree and it's time to make a closing transition into becoming a sound everyday Major League ballplayer.'

In the first round of the The new year First-Year Player Draft, the Denver Rockies selected Kyle Parker, a starting quarterback and outfielder at Clemson University. Three rounds later, they needed Russell Wilson, a starting quarterback and 2nd baseman at North Carolina State.

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The morning Parker signed, His knew their future was in hockey. Basketball became a memory.

Wilson was centered on hockey, as well, but this individual never lost sight connected with professional football.

And now check out him. Wilson is on the Nhl center stage this week. His or she is the starting quarterback to the NFC-champion Seattle Seahawks, who in Sunday will take on the AFC-champion Gambling in the Super Bowl.

Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning may be more the focal point on the Super Bowl quarterback duel, but to those who realize Wilson, his story is a session on the value of an athlete thinking in himself.

The football entire world saw Wilson as a talented sportsman but questioned his sizing in terms of being able to play quarterback in the NFL. When His agreed upon, the Rockies were given reason to trust that if there was going to be virtually any football opportunity for Wilson, it would be within the Canadian Football League.

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'He needed to play both,' said Rockies infielder Josh Rutledge, who was Wilson's double-play partner and street roommate in Wilson's first year associated with pro ball with the short-season Type A Tri-Cities affiliate. 'He was a great undervalued football player. Right after about size and weight.

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'I know the man. His might have been 5-11, but His was stout and His ended up being quick. His played softball like His was a qb. His took control of the experience. Some guys will consult the pitcher, but they talked to everyone on the field. They kept everybody focused.'

Wilson returned to North Carolina State in the fall of 2010 as well as played his redshirt junior season for the Wolfpack football team. Although His went to Spring Lessons in 2011 with the Rockies, his hockey ambitions were underscored when, possessing graduated from North Carolina State having a year of eligibility left over, His transferred to Wisconsin for any final season of college sports.

'That's when people started to pay attention to your ex [as a football player],' explained Rutledge. 'By the end of that season His was in the Heisman race.'

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For Parker, there was never a debate about what His should do.

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'I was in a different scenario than Russell,' said Parker, who has been Wilson's road roommate with minimal Class A Asheville in 2011. 'I sensed I had more talent hockey-wise. Your numbers I put up laughed and said that. I felt I had something special in hockey making it my mind up that soccer was what I was going to engage in.'

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Wilson, meanwhile, never gave up the actual NFL dream. His trainers and teammates in the Rockies system were being confident he'd be a direct effect player in hockey, although His wasn't refined. Wilson was platooned at second base from North Carolina State, which stunted his development.

Then, after the time with Wisconsin, the National football league came calling.

The Seahawks had been willing to give Wilson a chance to engage in quarterback. They selected your pet in the third round of the 2012 draft, the 75th over-all selection. Five quarterbacks were selected ahead of Wilson. None of them has gotten to your Super Bowl yet.

'When His left to play football, everybody wished him well,In . said Parker. 'It was like the Seahawks. The guys had a lot of esteem for him.'

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Wilson has given back that respect with his use the field. The Seahawks are generally 24-8 in his two seasons, and His was a Pro Bowl selection each time. Wilson led them to the 13-3 regular-season record in 2013, finished 257 of 407 passes (63.1 percent) while rushing for 539 yards. His threw for Twenty-six touchdowns and ran for one.

'Height?In . asked Parker. 'He has a lot of great features that make you overlook elevation.

'Playing quarterback is such a intellectual position and understanding of the sport and where the play has to be made. You have to be a leader. You should be aware of what is going on. Those usually are qualities His possesses. Younger crowd is extremely athletic. Nothing performing on a football field ought to surprise anyone.'

Not even the idea that in only his second time, Wilson has been the man behind heart for a Super Bowl group?

'That's not surprising,' said Parker. 'It will be satisfying.'

Nobody can be more satisfied when compared with Wilson.